The Announcement of Trial Distribution for the Rap Voice Library "vs-m701" of the AI Singing Software "VoiSona"
We are pleased to announce that a limited number of trial versions of the Japanese Rap Voice Library "vs-m701" will be distributed at the upcoming "M3-2024 Autumn," a doujin event for music and media mix, to be held on October 27, 2024, at the Tokyo Ryutsu Center.

- M3-2024 Autumn Official Website:
- Distribution Location: Booth Ka-07b "VoiSona Official" (within M3-2024 Autumn)
- Duration of Use: Undetermined
- Distribution Format: License Card
*Limit one per person.
*Please note that this trial library may be discontinued without notice.
*The license code and the URL of the code entry page are written on the back of the card.
*Please note that the distribution is limited in quantity.
The Japanese Rap Voice Library "vs-m701" was experimentally trained exclusively on Japanese rap vocals performed by a male rapper, making it the first attempt of its kind for "VoiSona."
While "VoiSona" features a user interface designed to convert musical notes into singing, the "vs-m701" library was developed experimentally to test its usability in cases where the pitch is not clearly defined, such as in rap. If you have any feedback or notice any issues, we would greatly appreciate it if you could inform our user support team.