Learn How to Use VoiSona.

Create First Song
Basic Operations
Using it is simple.
Select the song track and drag on the piano roll to enter notes.

Double-click on a note to enter lyrics.

Specify the position at the top of the piano roll and press the "Play" button to play.

The tempo, time signature, key signature, and dynamics can be edited by double-clicking in each edit area.

Displaying the global parameters allows you to adjust parameters that affect the entire sentence.

You can export the edited data as files such as MusicXML, or output the synthesized sound as a wav file.

Switch Between Editing Screens with Tabs for Detailed Adjustments
Switching to the Parameter Adjustment tab allows fine-tuning.
In TMG, the start/end timing of phonemes can be adjusted by dragging vertical lines.

You can draw the time changes for each parameter: VOL for volume, PIT for pitch, VIB for vibrato, ALP for age perception, and HUS for the huskiness of the voice.

VIB has two modes. In Simplified mode, the section where vibrato is applied is indicated by a frame.
The frequency, amplitude, and start/end position can be adjusted by manipulating this frame.

How to Install and Set Up
To install VoiSona, connect your PC to the Internet and follow the steps below.
Download the latest version of VoiSona from the Download page.
(To update VoiSona, follow the same procedures as installation.)
Choose the installation language and click "OK".

Read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you agree, choose "I accept the agreement" and click "Next".

Click "Next".

Click "Install".

The installation is now complete. Click "Finish".

Using VoiSona as Standalone App
If you do not have a DAW, you can use the standalone version to try it out.
Launch the installed VoiSona, select a song track and the VoiSona editing screen will appear.

Using VoiSona as Instrument Plug-in
You can use VoiSona on a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) as a VST instrument (VSTi) plug-inor an Audio Units (AU) plug-in.
As an example, we will explain how to use VoiSona as a VSTi plug-in on Cubase.
First, launch Cubase. Next, click the "Add Track Instrument" icon.

Select "VoiSona Song Editor" from Instruments and click "Add Track".

The following VoiSona editing screen appears.

Using VoiSona as Effect Plug-in
You can also use VoiSona on DAW as a VST or Audio Units (AU) effects plug-in.
(These features are currently in test function. They are available only to current subscribers of paid libraries.)
As an example, we will explain how to use VoiSona as a VST effects (VSTe) plug-in on Cubase.
First, launch Cubase. Next, add an audio track.

"Inserts", click on the position where you want to insert the plug-in and select "Mono">"VoiSona Song Editor (Effect)" from the list displayed.

The following VoiSona editing screen appears.

* When used as an effect plug-in in Logic Pro, GarageBand, or Cubase, some kind of audio waveform (e.g., wav file) must be set in the audio track that serves as the input for the plug-in. Note that no synthesized sound will be output in sections where no audio waveform is set.
Explanation of Song Editor Window
Select Voice Library
Click the Library pull-down to view a list of available Voice Libraries. If there are Voice Libraries that have not yet been downloaded, Download buttons will appear on their right side.

Some Voice Libraries may not be supported because the version of the Editor you are using is not up to date.
In such a case, click the button displayed to go to the Download page. Download and install the latest version of VoiSona.
After you launch the updated VoiSona, Download buttons for the Voice Libraries will now appear.

Tempo, Beats, Key Signature and Dynamic Symbols Editing
Click the Tempo, Beats, Key signature and Dynamic symbol buttons to show/hide their editor areas.

By double-clicking on each editor area, a symbol can be inserted and edited.
Specifying the correct key signature is critical in getting good singing results from the singer.
Specifying the dynamics symbols gives the singer a modulated voice.
* Depending on the voice library or the score, it may be difficult to tell the effects of dynamics symbols.

Global Parameters
Edit parameters that apply to the entire song.
・TUNE: Fidelity to the pitch of the notes. The lower the value, the more the note strays from the correct pitch. The higher the value, the closer the note is to the correct pitch.
・VIA: Amplitude of vibrato. Raising the slider makes the vibrato wider.
・VIF: Vibrato frequency. Lowering the slider results in a soft vibrato, while raising it makes it narrower.
・ALP: Voice quality. Lowering the slider makes the voice sound more childlike, while raising it makes the voice sound more mature.
・HUS: Degree of huskiness. Increasing the value makes the voice huskier.

Standard Pitch
Double-click on the TUNING number to edit the reference pitch for the entire song.

Freeze Track
Normally, voice synthesis processing is performed in real time during playback. However, computing resources may become overloaded on some PCs, resulting in choppy playback.
In such a case, the Freeze function can reduce the load during playback by performing voice synthesis processing in advance of playback.
When you click the "Freeze" button, the voice synthesis process begins.
Depending on your PC’s capabilities, this may take some time.
When voice synthesis processing is complete, the "Freeze" button becomes orange, indicating that the track is frozen.

Transfer MIDI from DAW
You can transfer MIDI information entered in a DAW to VoiSona.
First, add a VoiSona track and prepare the MIDI information on the DAW side.

Turn on the "Transfer" button on the VoiSona edit screen and play it back on the DAW side.

When stopped, the transfer is complete.
Note that only the MIDI information of the playback section will be reflected in VoiSona.

Audio input
With VoiSona Song Editor (Effects), besides synthesizing audio effects, you can add a singer’s voice to the audio input by clicking the "Audio Input" button to turn it ON.
(These features are currently in test function. They are available only to current subscribers of paid libraries.)
* When audio input is enabled, some functions such as PIT and HUS parameters are disabled.
* 48 kHz is recommended for the audio input function. If a sampling rate other than 48 kHz is set, the synthesized sound output will be slightly delayed.

Select "File" from the menu, then "Import".
The following file types are supported.
・tssprj: Import project file in VoiSona’s proprietary format.
・tsmsln:Import project file in VoiSona’s proprietary format for the iOS/iPadOS version.
・CCS/CCST: Import CeVIO Creative Studio and CeVIO AI project files.
・MIDI: Import MIDI file. Tracks can be selected.
・Music XML: Import music score in Music XML format.

Select "File" from the menu, then "Export".
The following file types are supported.
・Audio Mixdown:All tracks are combined and output to a single file in WAV format.
・CCS: Export all tracks to a single file as a CeVIO Creative Studio or CeVIO AI project file.
・MIDI: Export all tracks to a single MIDI file.
・tsmsln: Export the selected tracks as a project file in VoiSona's own format for the iOS/iPadOS version.
・tssprj: Export the selected tracks as a project file in VoiSona's own format.
・CCST: Export the selected tracks as a CeVIO Creative Studio or CeVIO AI project file.
・Music XML: Export the selected track as a Music XML format score (adjustment parameters, etc. are not output).
・WAV: Export the selected track as a synthetic sound waveform. Optionally, lab files can be export simultaneously.

Preferences (e.g. shortcut keys)
Select "Edit" from the menu, then "Preferences".
Language settings, editor-wide settings, shortcut key settings, etc. are available.
Use shortcut keys to make creating songs faster!

Score Editing
Enter/Remove Notes
To enter a note, select the Pen tool from the Tools menu.
Enter the note by dragging left or right the area where you want to place the note.

To remove a note, select the Eraser tool from the Tools menu.
Click on the note you wish to erase.

You can also switch to another tool only while holding down the Ctrl key.
When you are using the Selection tool, the Bulk Selection tool, or the Split/Join tool, it switches to the Pen tool.
When using the Pen tool or the Line tool, it switches to the Eraser tool.
When using the Eraser tool, it switches to the Selection tool.
You can change the quantization settings for the notes from the QUANTIZE pull-down list on the left side of the editing window.

In the Score Editing window, notes entered on other tracks are also displayed.

Note Editing (Pitch, Length)
Drag the note up or down to change the pitch.
Drag the note left or right to change its length.

Dragging with the selection tool allows you to select a range of notes together, so you can move, copy or delete multiple notes.

Splitting and Merging Notes
To split or join notes, select the Split/Join tool from the Tools menu.
Click on the position in the note where you want to split.
To join notes, click on the end of a note to join it with the note before or after it.

Lyric Syllables Entry
Double-click on a note to enter lyric syllable(s) for that note.
Press Tab to move to the next note, or Shift+Tab to move to the previous note.
If a space is entered in the lyrics, the lyrics after the space are assigned to the next note.

English can also be entered as lyrics.
If you want one lyric syllable to stretch across multiple notes, add a hyphen to the syllable that follows a note.(Example: “li” + “-ke” => “like”)
By right-clicking on the piano roll and turning on "Auto Split English Lyrics", English words are automatically split by syllable and assigned to multiple notes.

Bulk Lyric Syllables Entry
Clicking the "Batch Lyric Entry" button opens the "Batch lyric entry" panel.

You can enter lyric syllables to be assigned to multiple notes at once.
If the "Space" option is selected, each group of lyric syllables, separated by space, is assigned to one note.
If "One note, per character" is selected, each character/syllable is assigned to one note (In the English Song Voice Library, it is "One note with one syllable").

English can also be entered as lyrics.
If you want one syllable to stretch across multiple notes, prepend a hyphen to the syllable that is stretched to the next note.

Special Symbols
Vowel drop
You can drop a vowel by adding full-width ’(apostrophe) after the lyric syllable.
For example, if the lyric syllables are vocalized as “y, e, s, u,” adding ’(y, e, s, u ’) causes the “u” to be dropped, and the lyric syllables are vocalized as “y, e, s”.

Singing Expression
VoiSona uses AI learning with recorded data labelled with the characteristic singing expressions of each voice provider.
This enables a highly accurate voice library.
By specifying "Singing Expressions" from the right-click menu of the notes or from the properties, the distinctive singing expressions of each voice provider can be reproduced.
When specified, icons appear above the note.

- *The ease or difficulty of producing the characteristic depends on the voice library and its version, lyrics, voice height, etc.
- *It is only a mechanism to improve learning accuracy, so the characteristic may not appear.
Phoneme Editing
Double-click on a phoneme section with the selection tool to edit the phoneme sequence directly.
You can also enter phonemes by clicking on the phoneme palette that appears when editing a phoneme sequence.

The edited phoneme sequence is shown in green.

Japanese phonemes
The Japanese phonemes are as follows.
あ, アa | い, イi | う, ウu | え, エe | お, オo |
か, カk,a | き, キk,i | く, クk,u | け, ケk,e | こ, コk,o |
さ, サs,a | し, シsh,i | す, スs,u | せ, セs,e | そ, ソs,o |
た, タt,a | ち, チch,i | つ, ツts,u | て, テt,e | と, トt,o |
な, ナn,a | に, ニn,i | ぬ, ヌn,u | ね, ネn,e | の, ノn,o |
は, ハh,a | ひ, ヒh,i | ふ, フf,u | へ, ヘh,e | ほ, ホh,o |
ま, マm,a | み, ミm,i | む, ムm,u | め, メm,e | も, モm,o |
や, ヤy,a | ゆ, ユy,u | いぇ, イェy,e | よ, ヨy,o | |
ら, ラr,a | り, リr,i | る, ルr,u | れ, レr,e | ろ, ロr,o |
わ, ワw,a | ゐ, ヰi | ゑ, ヱe | を, ヲo |
が, ガg,a | ぎ, ギg,i | ぐ, グg,u | げ, ゲg,e | ご, ゴg,o |
ざ, ザz,a | じ, ジj,i | ず, ズz,u | ぜ, ゼz,e | ぞ, ゾz,o |
だ, ダd,a | ぢ, ヂj,i | づ, ヅz,u | で, デd,e | ど, ドd,o |
ば, バb,a | び, ビb,i | ぶ, ブb,u | べ, ベb,e | ぼ, ボb,o |
ぱ, パp,a | ぴ, ピp,i | ぷ, プp,u | ぺ, ペp,e | ぽ, ポp,o |
きゃ, キャky,a | きゅ, キュky,u | きぇ, キェky,e | きょ, キョky,o | |
しゃ, シャsh,a | しぃ, シィs,i | しゅ, シュsh,u | しぇ, シェsh,e | しょ, ショsh,o |
ちゃ, チャch,a | ちゅ, チュch,u | ちぇ, チェch,e | ちょ, チョch,o | |
てゃ, テャty,a | てぃ, ティt,i | てゅ, テュty,u | てょ, テョty,o | |
にゃ, ニャny,a | にゅ, ニュny,u | にぇ, ニェny,e | にょ, ニョny,o | |
ひゃ, ヒャhy,a | ひゅ, ヒュhy,u | ひぇ, ヒェhy,e | ひょ, ヒョhy,o | |
みゃ, ミャmy,a | みゅ, ミュmy,u | みぇ, ミェmy,e | みょ, ミョmy,o | |
りゃ, リャry,a | りゅ, リュry,u | りぇ, リェry,e | りょ, リョry,o | |
ヴゃ, ヴャby,a | ヴゅ, ヴュby,u | ヴょ, ヴョby,o | ||
ぎゃ, ギャgy,a | ぎゅ, ギュgy,u | ぎぇ, ギェgy,e | ぎょ, ギョgy,o | |
じゃ, ジャj,a | じゅ, ジュj,u | じぇ, ジェj,e | じょ, ジョj,o | |
びゃ, ビャby,a | びゅ, ビュby,u | びぇ, ビェby,e | びょ, ビョby,o | |
ぴゃ, ピャpy,a | ぴゅ, ピュpy,u | ぴぇ, ピェpy,e | ぴょ, ピョpy,o | |
でゃ, デャdy,a | でゅ, デュdy,u | でぇ, デェdy,e | でょ, デョdy,o |
くぁ, クァk,w,a | くぃ, クィk,w,i | くぅ, クゥk,w,u | くぇ, クェk,w,e | くぉ, クォk,w,o |
ぐぁ, グァg,w,a | ぐぃ, グィg,w,i | ぐぅ, グゥg,w,u | ぐぇ, グェg,w,e | ぐぉ, グォg,w,o |
ぐゎ, グヮg,w,a |
うぃ, ウィw,i | うぇ, ウェw,e | うぉ, ウォw,o | ||
すぃ, スィs,i | ||||
つぁ, ツァts,a | つぃ, ツィts,i | つぇ, ツェts,e | つぉ, ツォts,o | |
とぅ, トゥt,u | ||||
ふぁ, ファf,a | ふぃ, フィf,i | ふぇ, フェf,e | ふぉ, フォf,o | |
ずぃ, ズィz,i | ||||
どぅ, ドゥd,u | ||||
ヴぁ, ヴァv,a | ヴぃ, ヴィv,i | ヴぅ, ヴゥv,u | ヴぇ, ヴェv,e | ヴぉ, ヴォv,o |
ん, ンN | っ, ッcl |
English phonemes
The relationship between phonemes and IPA symbols in English is as follows.
Phoneme | IPA symbol |
aa | ɑ |
ae | æ |
ax | ə, ɜ |
axr | ər (ɚ), ɜr (ɝ) |
ah | ʌ |
ao | ɔ |
aw | aʊ |
ay | aɪ |
b | b |
ch | tʃ |
d | d |
dh | ð |
eh | e, ɛ |
ey | eɪ, ɛɪ |
f | f |
g | g |
hh | h |
ih | ɪ |
iy | i |
jh | dʒ |
k | k |
l | l |
m | m |
n | n |
ng | ŋ |
ow | oʊ |
oy | ɔɪ |
p | p |
r | r |
s | s |
sh | ʃ |
t | t |
th | θ |
uh | ʊ |
uw | u |
v | v |
w | w |
y | j |
z | z |
zh | ʒ |
tt | Flapping t (better, little etc.) |
dd | Flapping d (middle etc.) |
In English, the stress information for words is represented by placing the following symbols after a vowel:
・Primary stress: *~
・Secondary stress: *
However, in singing, specifying the stress often does not significantly alter the synthesized waveform.

Other properties
Clicking the “Property” button opens the ”Property” panel.
You can set various properties related to selected note, tempo, beat, key signature, and dynamics symbols (some settings can also be applied with shortcut keys).
Setting a slur is especially effective when you want multiple notes to be sung smoothly connected.
Specifying a singing expression may bring out the voice characteristics of the voice provider. For more information, see Singing Expression.
- * Depending on the voice library and the score, it may not be easy to produce the desired accent, staccato, slur or singing expressions.

Bulk Selection
By dragging and specifying a range with the Bulk Selection tool, notes, timing and other parameters can be manipulated in one go.

Measure Editing
Specify the playback position and select "Measure" → "Insert measure" / "Insert measures" from the right-click menu to insert any number of measures based on the playback position.

Parameter Adjustments
Explanation of Tabs

・TMG: Timing adjustment.
・VOL: Volume adjustment. Unit is decibels (dB).
・PIT: Pitch adjustment. Unit is Hertz (Hz).
・VIB: Vibrato adjustment.
・ALP: Voice quality adjustment. The lower the value, the more the voice sounds like a child’s. The higher the value, the more the voice sounds like an adult’s.
・HUS: Degree of huskiness in voice. The higher the value, the more husky the voice.
Timing Parameters Adjustment
In TMG (Timing), the start/end timing of phonemes can be adjusted by dragging vertical lines with the Pen tool or Line tool.

For even finer granularity, open the Editor tab in the "Preferences" and select the "Timing Status Line" checkbox.
*It may be different to tell the effects of timing adjustment in a unit finer than a phoneme.

You can correct the timing so that the vowels are at the beginning of the note by specifying a range with the selection tool and selecting "Vowel Timing Correction" from the right-click menu.

Vibrato Parameter Adjustment
VIB (Vibrato) has two modes: "Simplified" and "Detailed".
You can switch between modes using the buttons in the top right-hand corner of the piano roll.

In Simplified mode, the section where vibrato is applied is indicated by a frame.
Drawing a line with the Pen tool or Line tool creates a new frame.

Drag left or right from within the frame to change the frequency of the cycle.

Drag the frame left/right to change the start/end position, or up/down to change the amplitude.

In Detailed mode, you can adjust AMP (amplitude – unit: Cent; 100Cent for half steps) in the top half of the window and FRQ (frequency – unit: Hz) in the bottom half of the window.
The adjustment method is the same as for Other Parameter Adjustments.
If you make an entry or a deletion in either the upper or lower part, it will be reflected in the other.

Other Parameter Adjustments
In VOL (volume), PIT (pitch), ALP (voice quality) and HUS (huskiness), you can adjust parameters by drawing lines.
Flexible adjustments can be made using the Pen tool and straight adjustments using the Line tool.

Select a range, then copy, position and paste with the position cursor to duplicate the adjusted parameters.

Select a range and drag the line up or down to duplicate the parameters before and after adjustment together.

In PIT and VIB (Detailed mode), the original value can also be deleted (disabled) by holding down the Shift key and dragging with the Eraser tool.

Need Help?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Can I use VoiSona Voice Libraries on CeVIO AI and CeVIO Creative Studio?
No, Voice Libraries released for VoiSona can be used only on VoiSona.
Due to popular request, we are considering cross-platform compatibility of Voice Libraries between VoiSona and sister brand CeVIO.
Q. Can I change my login password?
To change your login password, click the "Change Password" link on the account page.
Q. I want to delete my VoiSona account.
If you would like to delete your account, please proceed from here.
If you have a paid license, you cannot delete your account from this page.Please contact us from the CONTACT page.
Q. I cannot download a voice library.
See the Using VoiSona as Standalone App > Select Voice Library section on this webpage and try again.
Q. Selecting a voice library failed.
Delete the voice library, re-download it, and try again.
Q. Text input and shortcut keys do not work.
Text input and keyboard shortcuts may not work on Apple silicon-equipped Macs when running VoiSona on Logic Pro or GarageBand.
This issue is caused by a problem on the Apple side where keyboard input is not passed to the plug-in.
Please try enabling Rosetta on the DAW side, so that the problem does not occur.
If VoiSona is used as a plug-in for a DAW and the same shortcut keys as VoiSona have already been assigned on the DAW side, the DAW shortcuts may take priority and VoiSona shortcuts may not work.
In such a case, open VoiSona’s "Preferences", go to the "Shortcuts" tab, and change the affected shortcuts.
Q. Keyboard shortcuts using the Alt key do not work.
In some DAWs (e.g. Studio One), keyboard shortcuts using the Alt key do not seem to work with plug-ins.
In such a case, open VoiSona’s "Preferences", go to the "Shortcuts" tab, and change Alt key shortcuts to keystrokes that do not require the Alt key.
Q. Is it possible to enter extremely short notes such as a sixty-fourth note?
You can only enter up to a thirty-second note. Use the Timing (TMG) adjustment window to edit vocal timing in finer detail.
If you turn ON the eye icon on the volume (VOL) tab, the volume line is displayed. This makes it easier to make TMG adjustments.
Q. The maximum number of activations is reached when I try to use GarageBand.
You can activate VoiSona on up to two PCs, and you can use multiple DAWs on one PC. However, unlike other DAWs, GarageBand is recognized as a separate PC.
To resolve this issue, go to your VoiSona account webpage and deactivate registered PCs before launching GarageBand.
Q. I can’t use a downloaded voice library on GarageBand.
Change macOS privacy settings: Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Security & Privacy > General. In Allow downloaded applications to run, choose allow dylib that begin with ts_.
Launch GarageBand again after changing these settings.Although dylibs are signed, GarageBand has stricter security than other DAWs. Permission is required even for signed dylibs.
You may need to follow these steps again when you download and use a new voice library on GarageBand.
Q. Is it possible to specify the playback start position in the Song Editor?
Yes, you can start playback from a specified position with the following steps.
First, click on the Ruler on the Song Editor window (the area where the dynamic and key signatures are displayed) to specify the playback start position.
Next, click on the play button (at the top for standalones, or on the left for plug-ins) and the audio will play from the specified position.
The audio will play from that position.
However, in many DAWs the Song Editor window is not linked to the DAW’s playback start position. When you play back on the DAW side, the position you specified in the Song Editor window may be ignored (even if you start playback by using the space key).
Q. How do I cancel my voice library subscription?
Please turn off the auto-renewal of your voice library subscription.
You can turn off auto-renewal by going to the license page (login required) and clicking the "Cancel Reservation" button for the voice library subscription.
Once auto-renewal is turned off, the license will change to show “Status: Subscription Cancellation Reserved” and will be cancelled when the subscription expires.
You can continue to use the voice library until the expiration date.
Q. I am experiencing activation failure when using both "VoiSona" and "VoiSona Talk".
Due to an update, the method for acquiring the hardware information necessary for activation has changed.
If you are using both "VoiSona" and "VoiSona Talk", we kindly ask you to update both software.
If activation fails after updating, please deactivate the old activation information on your account page.
Q. How can I use the "Waveform Generator Prototype A"?
The experimental feature "Waveform Generator Prototype A," available exclusively in the Japanese song voice library "Chis-A," has been discontinued as its role concluded with the release of "Chis-A" version 2.0. Therefore, the functionality was removed in the version following 1.8.2 of the Song Editor.
In order to reproduce voice waveforms created using the "Waveform Generator Prototype A," the Song Editor version 1.8.2 can be downloaded for the time being from the link at the bottom of the download page.